Needs work but potential nonetheless
Ok for you, criticism is easy. Meet these pointers and the song will sound so much better.
1. Tune the guitar before recording. I shouldn't need to mention this but you should never ever forget this! I'll let you off this time, if I catch you doing it again I'll cut yer ear off.
2. Learn to play the song better, you should be able to play it with you're eyes closed. Sometimes you sound like you're stumbling over parts and it just detracts from the whole thing.
3. Practice singing more. Your voice sounds immature and unsteady and the only way to improve this is to sing and sing alot. Just keep practising, pushing your range and your voice until you have control over it like a well exercised muscle. And don't sing through your nose so much.
4. Sing louder, and clearer, prouder. Make me feel what you're trying to say. Your singing lacks conviction and with a song like this you want to make your audience feel it. Especially on parts like 'get the fuck out of the friend zone.'
Mean what you say!
5. Either revise the lyrics or revise the rhythm in the vocal part. In parts it sounds quite awkward so change one or the other.
6. Keep the same tempo all the way through. It feels as if the song was awkwardly stitched together from two separate parts. Some songs benefit from rapid tempo changes, this one I doubt would so keep your timing consistent and let it groove more.
Stick to those pointers and this song should improve massively. Good luck!